
Platform: Windows NT 4.0
Perl Version: Activestate Perl 5.6 (Build 615)

I have a Perl package that defines an AUTOLOAD function.
The Perl package is a client to a COM server and fowards requests to
the COM server. The AUTOLOAD is of the form

        return $COMServerHandle->$AUTOLOAD(@args);

Since, I do not know what the return type of the invoked COM function
is, I cannot store in a scalar or vector or hash (or any type supported
by COM automation) and so I just return the
return value as 
        return $COMServerHandle->$AUTOLOAD(@args)

Now, I would like to invoke a Perl subroutine after calling the COM 
function. I would like to do it after the function called through AUTOLOAD
has returned.

My questions are:

1. Does Perl provide a post function mechanism? In other words, is
there a way by which I can inform Perl to run a subroutine after
returning from AUTOLOAD?

2. Without knowing the return type of a function, how I can store the
return value in a variable? If this is possible, what would the type of the
variable be? [In addition to standard Perl types, COM automation types
need to be supported too]

Any help is appreciated.


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