I have a suspicion that this might be related to "Windows Scripting
Host" (or WSH) which comes standard with win98 and above, but required IE 3.0
or above to be installed to run vbscript or javascript on win95
machines. There is a separate install of the WSH and more info
available at:


You might try running the setup for WSH (linked on the above page) and try
running a perlscript again. It might require reinstalling Perl after
the WSH is installed. This is all speculation and educated guess, so I
don't know for sure if this will clear up your problem, but I think
its worth a try...

S> Hi Sean,
S> We seem to have drawn a blank on this.
S> I have now got perlscript working on my 98 using Apache web server - but I
S> really don't know if it is available using Personal Web Server ( which I
S> gather is different to Peer Web Services ? ). I wouldn't discount the
S> possibility of being able to use perlscript on 95 (as mentioned, I've got it
S> working on 98 ) but you may need a different server.
S> Surely someone on this list can write something more authoritative than my
S> offerings ??

S> Incidentally, my initial problem was one of  server config. It appears that
S> there was no problem installing perlscript with active perl on windows - nor
S> should that aspect be a problem for you. Perlscript is probably there
S> already and you just have to configure a server to deal with it.

S> Cheers,
S> Rob

Best regards,

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