I have no familiarity with the Net::Telnet module, but I believe the SU
syntax is
actually 'SU -' to open a shell that you can log into.


On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, John Williams wrote:

> I've had success with the Net::Telnet module.  But I can't get the SU
> command to work.  It times out waiting for a password.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> John
> ---CODE----
> #! perl remote login
> use Net::Telnet ();
> $telnet = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 5);
> $telnet->open("");
> $telnet->login($user, $pw);
> $telnet->cmd("su");
> #it never seems to get to this point
> $telnet->waitfor('/Password: /');
> $telnet->print("the password");

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