Howdy all!

I am mostly a java person; I have only been working with perl (and Linux
too) for a few months.

Threading a is a big issue! :)

I looked up in my ActivePerl docs and there is a Thread package. It says
this though:

    WARNING: Threading is an experimental feature.  Both the interface
    and implementation are subject to change drastically.  In fact, this
    documentation describes the flavor of threads that was in version
    5.005.  Perl 5.6.0 and later have the beginnings of support for
    interpreter threads, which (when finished) is expected to be
    significantly different from what is described here.  The information
    contained here may therefore soon be obsolete.  Use at your own risk!
The Thread module provides multithreading support for perl.

So this means we can use threads, right - without having to recompile perl?
It also says supported platforms are: Linux, Solaris and Windows.


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