:: Still getting buffer overflow.  What is this newbie doing

1) Your emails come with a dirt-brown color, instead of plain text.  There
are quite a few otherwise very generous and helpful people on this list who
just plain refuse to answer letters that come with HTML formatting.  For
better or worse, that's how it is.

2) You use WAY too many question marks.  The Recommended Sentence Allowance
is one.

3) I've never used Net::Telnet before, but I can make some guesses from all
this conversation you've been having...

You assign a great big value to $len, then you turn around and do this:
        $len = $t->max_buffer_length;

When you do that, you're trying to assign a new value to $len.  You need to
do it the other way around, assigning a new value to the max buffer length.
I can only assume such a thing is possible, and that that's what others were
suggesting all along.  I have no idea of the proper syntax, but it's
probably something like:
        $t->max_buffer_length = $len;

Though "->max_buffer_length" may be a method, rather than an object in which
case you'd use it like calling a function:

You'd have to read the docs to see what the proper usage is, I can only tell
from here that what you were doing isn't right.

 - Aaron

Aaron Brown  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Middleware Programmer
University of Kansas
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list

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