> > http://mysite.com/myscript.cgi/path/to/my/file?any=extra+cgi+params
>                       --------------------------^
> When using PATH_INFO, you use / instead of ? to start the arg list:
> http://mysite.com/myscript.cgi/relativepathtomy/script/any=extra+cgi+params

Definately "yes and no" ...

It's true that you use "/" to specify PATH_INFO, but you do not have to use
it instead of  "?".  You can use it in addition to as well.  In the example
above, I'm assuming that the CGI script is:


Then, "/path/to/my/file" shows up in $ENV{PATH_INFO}, and
"any=extra+cgi+params" shows up in $ENV{QUERY_STRING}.  In your example,
everything shows up in $ENV{PATH_INFO}, and there'd be an extra step to split
out the parameters.  Both methods work, however.


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