Good day again all,
    I have decided to add to my learning curve and try to learn to use 
Win32::GUI to create a windows interface to the script I have been writing. 
(Trying to make it easier and more familiar for the operators who are going 
to use it) After much research I decided to try using the beta Win32::GUI 
instead of TK because I wanted to try to accomplish a more real windows feel.
   Well I download via PPM Win32::GUI from activestates and started with 
the "hello world" tutorial . when it came to run the script, I immediately 

PERL caused an invalid page fault in

Well then, I decided, there must be a solution. So after much research I 
found that my version of msvcrt.dll could be outdated... So after much more 
searching, I found the "latest and greatest" version from microsoft for W98 
and installed it
msvcrt.dll v4.20.6164. I still get the error. I have further uninstalled
ActivePerl- and re-installed and re-loaded the 
modules from activestate using PPM and still get the same error.
   Is there something I have missed? Will Win32::GUI not work with Win98? 
Will I have to use TK? Has anyone else had the problem and found a 
solution. I have spent plenty of time trying to figure this out last night 
and today with no avail and I am getting ready to start learning TK but 
would like to find out what is going on. Thank for any help in advance.

Win98 se 4.10.2222 A with all the latest approved MS service packs
Win32-GUI [0.0.558] from active states

Miguel (Mike) E. Guajardo
KERA / KDTN Engineering
3000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Phone : 214-740-9313
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