
You are right and again I thank you.

Unfortunately the script went on and came up with

Cannot open generic HTML Template ./system_db_html/ezdb_template.html so I
have been trying with my limited knowledge to figure out what it is and it
seems like a windows flock() issue.

Thank You & GOD BLESS

In the name of Jesus
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Bätzler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'Malcolm Debono'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 5:46 AM
Subject: RE: SETUP: Windows98se, ActivePerl, Personal Web Server

Malcolm Debono [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] asked:
> I know what an array is, I know how a script runs through an
> array, what I don't understand is where the @INC array is
> and if it is  possible how do I add to this array because
> how I see it the script is trying to find a path
> through perl and it cannot find it.

@INC is a predefined variable. See the perlvar page in the
docs - either via a browser inthe HTML subdirectory of your
ActivePerl installation or via "perldoc perlvar" on the
command line.

Basically this is the search path containing a list of
directories that perl.exe will search when it tries to
load a module.

> Bottom line is please help me in understanding how to change
> the array.


  push @INC, "/path/to/file/that/perl/wants/to/include";

before the use/require statement that fails.

Or insert

  use lib("/path/to/file/that/perl/wants/to/include");

also above the said statement.

Thomas Bätzler, Network Engineer, Network Operations EMEA
Peregrine Systems GmbH             web:
Steinhäuserstraße 22             phone: +49-721-98143-166
D-76135 Karlsruhe / Germany        fax: +49-721-98143-196
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