Nearly everything IS possible in Perl.

In Python for Win32, a tool called MakePy makes it possible to use early-bound 
automation.  If you'd like to read about this, see chapter 12 of Mark Hammond's book 
_Python Programming on Win32_.

Of course, Python is all open-source, so you can investigate this to your heart's 

Perhaps you or someone else can implement this same idea for Perl, if ActiveState 
hasn't done so already.  I'd be surprised if they haven't already done this, since I 
believe that Mark Hammond now works for ActiveState.  If a commercial package is an 
option, I suggest digging a little deeper into ActiveState's current offerings.


At 05:33 PM 2/19/2002 , Amir Kashani wrote:
> > That's because you're still trying to call a method on the TestClass2
> > object, which does not expose an IDispatch interface (what's known as
> > "late binding"). You have to have a method on your COM object that
> > will then delegate internally to the method on the TestClass2 object,
> > hidden from the user.
>I don't understand why the object returned by calling the property would a
>TestClass2 object, when the property returns a TestClass1 object (which I
>believe would be an IDispatch object). From the research I've done on this,
>it seems to be a problem shared among scripting languages because of their
>lack of support for early bindings. I don't understand, however, why this
>workaround would work in VBScript, but not in Perl. Maybe it's just my
>stubborness in believing that everything is possible from Perl.

Jonathan Epstein                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Head, Unit on Biologic Computation              (301)402-4563
Office of the Scientific Director               Bldg 31, Room 2A47
Nat. Inst. of Child Health & Human Development  31 Center Drive
National Institutes of Health                   Bethesda, MD 20892
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