All below is a subroutine I have for a TK app which launches the default
browser and sends it to a given URL.

I would also like to 'TAG' the browser with a 'name' so that I can send
different URL's to different Browsers (this would be great).
What I would like to do is pass options to the browser so that it opens to a
given size and without any buttons.
Is this possible from the command line?
Incidentally anybody know why the first 'if' line throws up an error saying
that SW_SHOWNORMAL isn't defined?

Any help at all would be appreciated.

Kind Regards


sub LaunchBrowser
        my $self=shift;
        my $url=shift;
        my $target=shift;

        #if (Win32::Shell::Execute("open", $url, undef, undef, "SW_SHOWNORMAL"))
        if (Win32::Shell::Execute("open", $url, undef, undef, 1))
                return 1;
                return 0;

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