Lee Goddard [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] asked:
> "CGI open of tmpfile: No such file or directory"
> Got this running the latest AS Perl with CGI.pm:
> the directory C:\temp exists, so CGI pm should find
> it; form data was encoded correctly and uploaded
> ok afaik, from IE6 to Win2k IIS.

It would be helpful to have a bit more context, i.e.
which method call produced the error? What were you
trying to do?

Assuming you were using CGI.pm's read_multipart(), the
error message could mean that either no temp directory
was found or that the ones it found were not writeable
by the user your CGI code is running under.

What you probably should do is create a special temp
directory for your CGI code, give the web server user
full access to it and then set the TMPDIR variable in
the web server users's environment to that directory.

It may be more effort than to change your global temp
dir's permissions, but then it always pays off to have
been paranoid when something goes wrong ;-)

Thomas Bätzler, Network Engineer, Network Operations EMEA
Peregrine Systems GmbH             web: www.peregrine.com
Steinhäuserstraße 22             phone: +49-721-98143-166
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