On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Chris Yocum wrote:

> Hello All,
>      Well, I have a project that requires me to: parse a PDF file, add some
> content inside the file, then out put the file for viewing on a browser that
> has Adobe Acrobat reader installed. I searched the net. I found the great
> pdflib library but found out that it would cost me $1000 to get a licence
> for their PDI library that would allow me to parse the PDF then manipluate
> it. So, I searched some more. I found Panda PDF project that seemed to fit
> the bill. I downloaded the source then compiled into a Windows DLL since
> that is the system that I am using. I was going to use ActivePerl's
> Win32::API to call into the dll to access the functions and allow me to
> complete this project.
> At first, it seemed to work. I needed to call a function that takes two char
> *. I read the manual for Win32::API. I found out that you need to pack the
> variables to pass into the function if they are pointers. Here is some
> sample code to show you what I mean:
> use Win32::API;
> $panda_init = Win32::API->new("c:\\temp\\panda",
>                "panda_init",
>                [],
>                V);
> $panda_init->Call();
> $panda_open = Win32::API->new("c:\\temp\\panda",
>                   "panda_open",
>                   [P, P],
>                   P);
> $filename = pack("p", "dd.pdf");
> $mode = pack("p", "w");
> $panda_open->Call($filename, $mode);
> When I did this it returned "Unknown file mode handed to panda." Now I
> looked in the docs and the source. The only supported file mode right now is
> "w". Although, it always returns this error no matter what character I pack.
> Does anyone have experience with Win32::API enough to give me some clues? It
> is probably my pack but I cannot be sure. I am about to go hack the code to
> see what the function thinks it is receiving but I wanted to know if anyone
> has encountered this before I start.

I don't know that this is a solution to your problem but if I
were faced with the same problem, here's how I'd proceed.
You're passing a pointer to a string. Quite often in C-based
routines, strings are expected to be terminated with a null
(\x00) byte. My suggestion is to try to pad your strings with
a null byte, e.g.:

$filename = pack("p", "dd.pdf\x00");
$mode = pack("p", "w\x00");

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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