On 30/04/2002 18:40:35 Joseph Jongquist wrote:

>Hello Carter,
>Try these suggestions:
>>my $dir = "C:/tmp2";
>my $dir = "C:\\tmp2";

Please don't ever suggest that.
Perl is perfectly capable of understanding "C:/tmp2"
Even Windows understands "C:/tmp2". The only thing
that can't cope with "C:/tmp2" is command.com
and the commandline DOS utilities.

As long as Archive::Zip doesn't run zip.exe
via system(),  "C:/tmp2" should be perfectly adequate.

There's no need to use backslashes as path separator
in Perl, ever. People tend to forget to double them.
There's no such danger with forward slashes, plus it makes
the script possibly cross-platform.

>>my $member = $zip->addDirectory('$dir');

This will try to add a directory whose name contains
a literal $ character.

>my $member = $zip->addDirectory($dir);
>my $member = $zip->addDirectory("$dir");

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