Brian Gibson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a module you can use to list all of the current
> connections to remote shares (whether they be to a UNC path or to a
> drive letter) so they can be disconnected?
> I thought Win32::LanMan could do this but when I run "install
> Win32::Lanman" from PPM I cannot download it.

On 21/08/2002 17:15:45 Steven Manross wrote:

>Win32-Lanman can do this.

You didn't seem to rad his post to the end...
Brian, in the meantime, try this:

#!perl -wl
use strict;

my @sessions = `net session`;

foreach( @sessions )
    next unless /(\\\\\S+)/;
    print "Disconnecting $1 ...";
    system( "net session $1 /DELETE" );

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