At 15:22 2002-08-26 -0400, Gan Uesli Starling wrote:
>REASON: Have a MySQL DB & a Perl script which querries
>it ever 2 minutes for new entry. When it sees a new
>entry, Perl calls up MSIE on Win95 to display said
>new entry. But alas, all is wasted if the screen saver
>is hiding it.

Outside of the box we find ScreenSaver Blocker:

While that may actually solve your problem, this may be interesting:

Usenet post asking the same thing

MS KB-article mentioned in the post
HOWTO: How to Disable the Screen Saver Programmatically

This is how I found it:


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Johan Lindström    Sourcerer @ Boss Casinos     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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