I would like to use PerlApp to create a freestanding web-based 
application.  So far, when the app is started, it uses Win32::OLE to 
open a browser window (MSIE), and pass it the first page, a frames 
page named main.html.

Now, MSIE serves as my application window.  I would like to be able to 
click links in the browser window, which would make a call to 
my_app.exe, and the my_app.exe would send back the corresponding 
information to the browser window.  Right now, though, I can't seem to 
get it to work, since the web browser window wants to save/open the 
.exe from the hyperlink.  

I worried that this would happen in certain cases, like those people who 
have auto-downloaders installed, but I did not expect it not to work at 
this primary point.

So, in the browser window, the hyperlink URL would read:
<a href="my_app.exe?command=do_this">.... where 'my_App.exe' is 
the application I created using PerlApp, and 'coomand=do_this' is the 
argument I am passing.

Is it just a syntax in the way I am passing the arguments?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Brad Smith
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