On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Andre Warnier wrote:

> Message text written by "T&C Winquist"
> >
> Here's how I get all the files of a directory.  I'm sure there are a
> hundred
> ways of doing it:
> ...
> yeah (TMTOWTDI), here's another :
>         opendir(DIR,"mydir") or die "$!";
>         my @DirGlob = readdir(TMPDIR);     # get all entries at once
>         closedir(DIR);
>         @DirGlob = grep(-f, @DirGlob); # keep only files ?

OK, then here's a small revision of yours:

         opendir(DIR,"mydir") or die "$!";
         @DirGlob = grep {-f} readdir(TMPDIR); # keep only files ?

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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