I have had considerable trouble installing libwww-perl on my AS Perl 5.6.1 Build 633 
on WinNT 4.0.  

I had been having some strange configuration problems with Perl, so I completely 
uninstalled AS Perl 5.6.1 Build 62x and installed AS Perl 5.6.1 Build 633.  The 
installation went well and resolved all my configuration problems.  I was able to get 
all the packages that I had been using, except for libwww-perl.

I have switched to PPM3 and as long as I remember the new syntax, I like the app.  
Here is what I get when I try to use PPM3 to install libwww-perl:  

>PPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.0.1.
>Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState SRL. All Rights Reserved.
>Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Stub as readline library.
>Profile tracking is not enabled. If you save and restore profiles manually,
>your profile may be out of sync with your computer. See 'help profile' for
>more information.
>Type 'help' to get started.
>ppm> search libwww
>Searching in Active Repositories
>  1. libwww-perl  [5.48] ActiveState Package Repository [http://ppm-ia.ActiveS~
>ppm> install libwww-perl
>Error: Package 'libwww-perl' not found on server. Please 'search'
>for it first.

I search for the package, find the package and ask PPm3 to install the package, and it 
replies - "'search' for it first."  I usually respond with something impolite and drop 
the matter.  

This morning after reading a note about libwww-perl and being available on Active 
State, I decided to try again.  I got the above results from PPM3.  So then I tried 
PPM.  PPM has been non functioning since the install of Build 633.  PPM spews out at 

>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>Element 'IMPLEMENTATION' must contain a 'CODEBASE' element. at D:/Bin/Perl/site/
>lib/PPM.pm line 1684.
>PPM interactive shell (2.1.6) - type 'help' for available commands.
>PPM> search libwww

The PPM prompt is returned immediately after the "search libwww".

Any suggestions for getting libwww-perl installed or for getting PPM working again?


James H. Cutts III                      Integrated Technology Services
Computer Project Manager                Research and Education Support
Phone: (573) 882-6181                   University of Missouri - Columbia
FAX:   [573] 884=8192                   DC017.00,  265H Quarterdeck
                                          Columbia, MO  65212


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