Thoenen, Peter Mr. EPS wrote:

>Does * work with perl (on windows 2000) via command line to go through all
>files in a directory?
>Tried the following command:
>E:\snmp_cfg>perl -i[bck] -pe "s/\/php\/eps\/net$/\/htdocs\/eps\/net/;" *.cfg
>and got the error:
>Can't open *.cfg: Invalid argument.
>Perl docs seems to suggest this would work so don't see where I m going
This is from a very old note (1998!)  that Jan Dubois sent:

Place the following file into ActivePerl/site/lib/

    # - emulate shell @ARGV expansion on shells that don't
    use File::DosGlob;
    @ARGV = map {
        my @g = File::DosGlob::glob($_) if /[*?]/;
        @g ? @g : $_;
    } @ARGV;

Then you can use:  perl -MWild -e "print @ARGV" *.txt    from the 
command line.   I think that there was a similar module that Jenda K. 
wrote, but I can't find the note.

>Peter Thoenen - Systems Programmer
>Commercial Communications
>Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
>"Stumbled Upon"...heh (Score:5, Funny) /.
>by $carab on 23:00 23 August 2002 (#4131637)
>"ForensicTec officials said they stumbled upon the military networks about
>two months ago, while checking on network security for a private-sector
>Someone new to a Dvorak probably tried to type in "lynx
>"; but instead got "nmap -v -p 1-1024 -sS -P0
>-T paranoid".
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