Thanks Josh for noticing that typo.
unfortunately that's not the problem. 

I simply cut'n'pasted the wrong version of code yesterday (I had many different 
attempts with various methods and I tried at the end to have a separate case for PDF 
which at the end I aborted forgotting to change it back to 'eq').

My original correct code is: 
if (-B $file) { #binary file...
       $file =~ m|(.*/)(.+)\.([^\.]+)$|;
       my $ext = $3; my $mimetype;
       #most common mime types
       if (uc($ext) eq "PDF") { $mimetype="application/pdf";}  
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "DOC") { $mimetype="application/msword";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "PPT") { $mimetype="application/powerpoint";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "ZIP") { $mimetype="application/x-zip-compressed";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "EXE") { $mimetype="application/octet-stream";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "EPS") { $mimetype="application/postscript";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "PS")  { $mimetype="application/postscript";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "GZ")  { $mimetype="application/x-gzip";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "LATEX") { $mimetype="application/x-latex";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "TAR") { $mimetype="application/x-tar";}
       elsif (uc($ext) eq "EXE") { $mimetype="application/octet-stream";}       

      my $size = -s "$file";
      open(INFILE, "$file") || die &img_not_found;
        print "Content-type: $mimetype\n\n";
        while (<INFILE>) {
        print $_;

      } #binary mode file

The mime type is correctly set (I am sure as I debugged it step by step and printed 
out everything at each step). 
The output (downloaded file) is perfectly working for .doc files and for .zip files 
(the ones I tried).

But for PDFs, the output is all the time a 2kb with the PDF header and binary parts. 
But nothing to do with the original PDF. 

Any suggestions? I tried with an IIS server on WinNT and Sambar server on WinNT. 
Can anyone test the code above or give further suggestions?


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