
I've created a small perl app which is running on a Windows 2000 server for a client.

I programmed Net::STMP for sending e-mail.

One of the e-mails was returned with the following: (note i changed the real ip and domain name.)

IP.ADD.RE.SS does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 591 your host is blacklisted by bl.spamcop.net. Send your questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Giving up on IP.ADD.RE.SS

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: (qmail 16502 invoked by uid 504); 16 Oct 2002 13:41:34 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO www.domain.org) (99.999.999.99) by localhost.localdomain with SMTP; 16 Oct 2002 13:41:34 -0000
From: "Ohio Resource Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Registration Confirmation
X-eFilter: eFilter/EPS (http://www.inter7.com/efilter)

It was configured as follows:

my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($MailHost, Hello => $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'});

Anyone with experience with this mail module would perhaps know what to do when this happens.

Thank-you in advance.


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