Karl-Heinz Kuth wrote:
I have a problem with "use strict":

There are two files. The file "test_template.pl" calls the file "test_modul.pl"
via a variable. I read this file name from an ini-file. But for the example
I wrote it into a variable ($modul).

File: "test_template.pl":

use strict;
my $Simulation = "y";
my $modul = "e:\\temp\\test_modul.pl";
print "Simulation before: $Simulation \n";
require $modul;
print "Simulation after: $Simulation \n";

File: "test_modul.pl"

use strict;
$main::Simulation = "f";
print "Simulation modul: $main::Simulation \n";

If I call "test_template.pl", I will get the following output:
Simulation before: y
Simulation modul: f
Simulation after; y

But I want to get Simuation after : f

How do I have to change the code in the file "test_modul.pl", so that
the value of the variable "$Simulation" is also changed in the
The 'my' is killing you due to it's special scoping.  Try 'our' instead or
use 'use vars qw(Simulation);' and drop the my.

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert   ICQ=162126130
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