On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Thomas Drugeon wrote:

> Thank you
> Do you know any module implementig such queues in a file? like dmb tied
> hashes do?
> > IIRC perl is optimized for that scenario (I can't remember where I read it
> > though). It shouldn't be a problem.

Although I haven't tried it, _supposedly_ a file tied with
DB_File and specifying a $DB_RECNO type of data base will
support many of the array manipulation functions, e.g.

shift, unshift, pop, push including negative indices,
$h[-1] to get the last record or $h[-2] to get the
next to last record.

The reason why I stress the "_supposedly_" is that trying
to use DB_File to read a $DB_HASH type file doesn't work

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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