You could cheat a little instead of trying to do it with just a RE, use
an embeded tr/// or s///:

my $text = 'axxxccvvvaca<s>sdcxaswrefa<e>jjawera<s>sdcxaswrefa<e>jhhaasera';

$text =~ s#<s>(.*?)<e># my $x = $1; $x =~ tr/a/8/; sprintf '<s>%s<e>', $x


Thanks. The main problem I was having was I couldn't find the "e" option for
the RegEx. I did look again and still couldn't find it in "perlre". My final
code looks like this:

my $x;
$Text =~ s#<blockquote>(.*?)<\/blockquote>#
   $x = $1;
   $x =~ s/<br \/>|<br>/\n/;
   $x =~ s/></>\n</;
   $x =~ s/\t/   /;
   $x =~ s/<pre>/<pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">/;
   sprintf '<blockquote>%s</blockquote>', $x ; #egisx;
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