So, my question is to any Telnet server expert out there:
What are the differences in the telnet servers on Win2K and NTRK?
How can I tweak Net::Telnet to work with the Win2K telnet server?


I'm no expert, but I'll tell you that you wont be able to tweak
Win2k to work with Net::Telnet. In fact if you do a search 
on AS's mailing lists for Net::Telnet you'll find that nobody
has got it to work.

I fed my experiences (and yours apparently), to Jay Rogers the 
module's creator but I didn't receive any feedback.

Sad to say I gave up with the Telnet server on Win2k, and installed
a third party's vision called TelSrv 1.5. I got my Unix terminal to connect
to the Win2k server with this, but had other problems.

I don't remember rightly, but this product supports (or doesn't, as the case
may be) ANSI emulation.

I have no idea whether ANSI emulation affects Win2k's version of Telnet 
server, with use of Net::Telnet. But it may be a viable culprit.

It's very frustrating to say the least, Glen (a reader of this list) gave up
totally and used CGI. I don't know if that might be a feasible
option for you.


Just in

I need to state that these views are mine totally, and cannot be
construed as that of my employers . . .
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