oops, sorry, thought I did...
>>>$sheet->HasAxis->(xlCategory,xlPrimary) = 0; line 40

but anyway, I found an answer to my problem. Instead of the above line,
I used
     $chart->Axes(xlCategory)->{TickLabelPosition} = xlNone;

                    Carl Jolley                                                        
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
                    et>                  cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
                                         Subject:     Re: OLE/Excel graphing problem   
                    04:40 PM                                                           

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've been playing with some code to populate an excel spreadsheet (office
> 2k) with data, produce a graph, and export it as a gif.  I've been trying
> to figure out how to turn off the x-axis on the resulting graph, and
> haven't been having any luck.
> I created a macro in excel, looked at the resulting code, and I think
> is the code that is turning off the x-axis:
> With ActiveChart
>         .HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = False
>         .HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True
>     End With
> so I tried converting this perl as follows:  (questionable line indicated
> by >>>)
> my $chart = $excel->Charts->Add;
> $chart->{ChartType} = xlAreaStacked;
> $chart->SetSourceData( {Source => $range, PlotBy => xlColumns} );
> $chart->{HasTitle} = 1;
> $chart->ChartTitle->{Text} = " This is a test graph, only a test";
> $sheet = $book->Charts(1);
> $sheet->{Name} = "chris";
> >>>$sheet->HasAxis->(xlCategory,xlPrimary) = 0;
> gives me:
> Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at chart2.pl line 40.
> Any suggestions appreciated.

I suggest that you tell us all what line 40 of chart2.pl is.

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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