I sent this about 2 weeks ago, with only one reply that i couldnt use.  If
no one knows the answer, does anyone know where i might find the answer??

BTW:  I am not using PerlScript in ASP - this is just plain ol' perl
directly from IIS.


Jeremy Kister
PGP: http://www.jeremykister.com/jeremy/public_key.asc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Kister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 12:54 AM
Subject: Interact with IIS built-in session variables

> Hi,
> I'm running ActivePerl 5.6.1 on a Windows 2000 Server/IIS 5.0.  All seems
> work well.
> For the past few weeks, i've been searching for a way for my perl script
> communicate with session variables from an ASP script.
> For Example:
> www.jeremykister.com/set.asp contains a simple:
>    <%
>     session("foo") = "bar"
>    %>
> www.jeremykister.com/get.asp contains a simple
>    <%
>     response.write "session variable 'foo' is set to: " & session("foo")
>    %>
> now all I need is for my perl script to be able to interact with that.  i
> need to be able to set session variables that the ASP know about, and i
> to read session variables that the ASP have set.
>  Is there a way to do this?

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