5.6.1 633

I'd like to automate the retrieval of a file from a website. While reading
chapter 20 (Web Automation) of the Perl Cookbook, I ran across reference to
the "libwww-perl" suite of modules" Reading further, it looks like there are
several other modules I may need (Crypt::SSLeay amongst others, as the site
is password protected).. Still more reading seems to indicate that all these
web related modules can be brought down in a bundle... Below is what I've
tried, not much luck getting an install. Any help appreciated...

It appears that it's not part of the core distro:

ppm> query LWP
Querying target 1 (ActivePerl
No matches for 'LWP'; see 'help query'.

ppm> query www
Querying target 1 (ActivePerl
No matches for 'www'; see 'help query'.

Using ppm3 search, I found this:

ppm> search libwww
Searching in Active Repositories
  1. libwww-perl  [5.48] libwww-perl cookbook

But an install attempt yields:

ppm> install libwww-perl
Error: PPD for 'R:/inetpub/wwwroot/www2.activestate.com/PPMPackages/5.6-
plus/libwww-perl.ppd' could not be found.

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'... produces the following:

C:\>perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'
Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.


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