On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Glenn Linderman wrote:

> Randy Kobes wrote:
> >Essentially what is after here is a way for PPM to map module
> >names to distribution names. The "name" used in a ppm package is
> >derived from the name that the CPAN distribution comes as - in
> >many cases it happens to be the same (with s/::/-/g) as the name
> >of the main module in the distribution, but in other cases (eg,
> >libwww-perl, containing LWP et al, or libnet, containing Net::FTP
> >et al) it's not. This mapping is available with CPAN.pm, so
> >within the CPAN shell you can "install LWP".
[ ... ]
> Certainly this would solve the problem.... and be highly
> convenient....  but even just documenting how to figure it out
> would be helpful.  After all, when someone shares a script, it
> has "use" directives that name modules, not distribution names.  
> And the errors from Perl if the module isn't installed names
> the module, not the distribution.  So there is a disconnect
> there which doesn't make things easy to use.

That's true ... The code to connect module to distribution names
is there within CPAN.pm, but it would be non-trivial to add to
ppm; for one thing, it would require, as CPAN.pm currently does,
to check the staleness of the locally installed module database
files, and if need be, rebuild this from the current CPAN index

What might be easier, for users, is to set up, eg, a SOAP
server(s)  which, for a module name query, returns the
distribution name. I've done this as an exercise in extending
'perldoc' to fetch remote pods for modules that don't exist on a
local machine, and it's relatively straightforward.
[ .. ]
> Yes, I can see that automating things is necessary.  Does this mean that 
> after Cyrpt::SSLeay is installed (from, say, your repository, thank you 
> for the reference), that it won't function unless this openssl library 
> is separately installed?  I thought most packages included the 
> precompiled stuff necessary to use them.....

This particular one does require the openssl dlls, which I
haven't included in the ppm package, as most people who've used
this package seem to have openssl already installed. If you
don't, let me know, and I could send them to you privately.

best regards,

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