Hello All,


I'm working on what was supposed to be a simple little script to allow users on WinXP systems to remap drives to some DFS shares without having to logoff/on to the systems (classroom environment).  When I run the app, I can get to the drives contents from the CMD prompt, but Windows Explorer does not display all of the drives.  I'm trying it on 2 drives and it will show one or the other, sometimes neither, but never both.  Closing and re-opening explorer does not make a difference and I cannot get to the drives by doing Start -> Run -> <driveletter>.  If I kill and restart the explorer service (via task manager or on the command line) the drives will appear when explorer restarts.  For a variety of reasons, I don’t want to restart explorer in support of this little script.  Here’s some of the code (the share names have been changed to protect the innocent)...


my(%drvarray) = ( "X:","\\\\mydomain.com\\dfs\\pathto\\firstshare",



  #-- Do the work

  eval {

    $ncref = {};

    $ncref->{'Scope'} = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET;

    $ncref->{'Type'} = RESOURCETYPE_DISK;

    $ncref->{'DisplayType'} = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE;

    $ncref->{'Usage'} = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE;

    #-- Disconnect the drives first

    #-- Cannot connect dfs drives under different usernames

    foreach $letter (keys %drvarray) { Win32::NetResource::CancelConnection($letter,0,1); }

    #-- Now connect them again using the credentials

    foreach $letter (keys %drvarray) {

      $ncref->{'LocalName'} = $letter;

      $ncref->{'RemoteName'} = $drvarray{$letter};

      if(!Win32::NetResource::AddConnection($ncref,$password,$username,0)) {


        die Win32::FormatMessage($err);





I'm using ActivePerl v5.6.1 Build 631/633 and the subroutine is being called from a TK form the simply prompts the user for their username and password.  Anyone seen this before?  Is there anyway to force Windows Explorer to re-query for drives like it does when it’s restarted?  I was going to try and use Win32::FileOp but it does not appear to be bundled with this distribution of Perl and with this script potentially going out on hundreds of clients, I don’t want to require the installation of a specific module if at all possible.


Thanks in advance.


Richard Grakowsky
Systems Specialist,
Monroe Community College
"Progress occurs when we are no longer willing
to accept the consequences of inaction."


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