
I'm in a pretty-code-mode at the moment, my  apologies for the overkill.

> #location contains the path for the report to be stored
> $report_location = $location;
> $report_location =~ s/\//\\/;
To make this regex look a bit better you can use a different delimiter
rather than "/". Also you probably want to replace all "\" chars with "/" in
which case you need a 'g' at the end to make it a global replacement. Perl
has a much faster construct for replacing one character with another, i.e.

$report_location =~ s!\/!\\!g;  # better
$report_location =~ tr!\\!//!;  # best;

See "perlop" for more info on "s" and "tr"

> $report_location = "$report_location" . "\\Reports";

A more explicit way of saying this using the ".=" construct. It saves you
having to double check that your left hand side is exactly the same as you
right hand side. It seems trivial here but is a godsend when debugging
something like $x[10101]{$y[101]]}= $x[10101]{$y[101]]} + $y[101];


> unless( -e $report_location) ){
>   mkdir( $report_location ) or die "died creating Report Directory";
> }
The -e operator tells you that a file exists. We have inherited from Unix
that a directory is a file. You might also want to check that
$report_location exists and is a directory. Id also suggest being a little
more informative to your users. Tell them what went wrong with the $!
variable. Also the idiom _this_ or _that_ can be IMHO elegantly extended

-d $report_location or
        mkdir $report_location  or 
        die "died creating Report Directory '$report_location': $!";

> #open Report HTML file
> open( FILE, "> 
> $report_location\\$year_$month_$date_Report.htm" ) or die
> "Dead creating Report";

Note that perl will interpret this as "$year_"."$month_" etc. You probably
called your variables $year $month etc. So, to force perl to recognise where
the end of you variables are use {}'s. Make sure you put "use strict;" at
the top of your code and "my" all your variables otherwise perl will
silently evaluate them to "".

my $report_name=$report_location\\${year}_${month}_${date}_Report.htm";
open  FILE, ">$report_name") or 
        die "Cannot write to $report_name : $!";

> #print intial html to report file
> print FILE
> "<html>\n<head>\n<title>$year_$month_$date_report</title>\n</h
> ead>\n<body>\n
> ";

A more elegant construct for printing long strings is the "<<HERE"  syntax 



> foreach $project_file ( @file_paths ){
>   #grep Status line from $project_file 
>   @status_line = grep /^Status/, $project_file;
> }

Note, $project_file will be a file name, not the contents of that file. You
need to open it and read :
foreach my $project_file ( @file_paths ){
        open  PROJFILE, $project_file or die "Cannot read $project_file :
        my @status_lines = grep /^Status/,  <PROJFILE>; # Using the file in
an array context;
        close PROJFILE;




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