----- Original Message -----
From: "$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Malcolm Debono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: help reading file url & loop

Malcolm Debono wrote:

Can someone please help.

I am trying to get my script to read url's from a file and loop through.


can run the script from a form reading the
my $url = param('url');  (but it will take to long). The code below will
loop but it doesn't seem to get the url and read the title. I am not


experienced so please explain as simple as possible.


Malcolm Debono wrote:
> Thank you Bill.
> Can I ask (trying to understand, reading the docs and lama book).
> My understanding is that Keys is the $url and the Value is the title which
> in my presumption is stored in $links
> of $links{$url} = $1;
> I don't understand the $1. Confused here?? how are the keys and values
> passed to the %links, are both keys & values stored in $1.
> If so then is it then possible for other criteria such as
> $links{$url} = '';
> if ($content =~ /<whatever[^>]*>\s*(.*)\s*<\/whatever>/i) {
> $links{$url} = $2;
> Any help is appreciated.
> Malcolm

Malcolm --

The $1, $2, ...$9 are the capture buffers represented by the parens in the regex, so, if you were capturing some other element in a later parenthetical expression, *it* would be $2, and so on.

So, your example will give you empty values.

Try "perldoc perlre" on your machine?

The bracketing construct "( ... )" creates capture buffers. To refer to
the digit'th buffer use \<digit> within the match. Outside the match use
"$" instead of "\". (The \<digit> notation works in certain
circumstances outside the match. See the warning below about \1 vs $1
for details.) Referring back to another part of the match is called a

There is no limit to the number of captured substrings that you may use.
However Perl also uses \10, \11, etc. as aliases for \010, \011, etc.
(Recall that 0 means octal, so \011 is the character at number 9 in your
coded character set; which would be the 10th character, a horizontal tab
under ASCII.) Perl resolves this ambiguity by interpreting \10 as a
backreference only if at least 10 left parentheses have opened before
it. Likewise \11 is a backreference only if at least 11 left parentheses
have opened before it. And so on. \1 through \9 are always interpreted
as backreferences.


s/^([^ ]*) *([^ ]*)/$2 $1/; # swap first two words

if (/(.)\1/) { # find first doubled char
print "'$1' is the first doubled character\n";

if (/Time: (..):(..):(..)/) { # parse out values
$hours = $1;
$minutes = $2;
$seconds = $3;

-- Mike Higgins

^ ^
(.)__ the world is a big box of paints.
__ __ and others, the canvas we're dealt.
| | - XTC
_/ \_

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