Roland Moriz wrote:

I need to do screenshots with perl on win32. The only possible way i found
is to simmulate they "printscrn" key and then read the clipboard. On the
I don't know about that, but I remembered cribbing this from the list, which does what you ask:

#!perl -w --

use strict;
use Win32::API;

my $push_key = new Win32::API("user32", "keybd_event", [qw(I I N P)], 'V') or
die "keybd_event: " . Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ());

use constant VK_SNAPSHOT => 0x2C;
use constant KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY => 0x01;
use constant KEYEVENTF_KEYUP => 0x02;

my $bVk = VK_SNAPSHOT;
my $bScan = 0x01; # backwards from docs: 1=screen; 0=window
# PRINT SCR scan code for 102 keybd => E0 2A E037
# 2A or 37 gets window
my $dwExtraInfo = 0;

$push_key->Call($bVk, $bScan, $dwFlags, 0); # simulate a "printscrn" key press

# the release seems to not be needed
#$push_key->Call($bVk, $bScan, $dwFlags, 0); # & release

use Win32::Clipboard;

my $file = 'screendump.bmp';
my $image = Win32::Clipboard::GetBitmap();
open BITMAP, ">$file" or die "Error creating $file: $!";
binmode BITMAP;
print BITMAP $image;
close BITMAP;



^ ^
(.)__ the world is a big box of paints.
__ __ and others, the canvas we're dealt.
| | - XTC
_/ \_

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