----- Original Message -----
From: "Williams, Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Sisyphus'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:55 AM
Subject: RE: Win32::Job

> I seem to be having success using sleep, but, as you said- it isn't
> Oh well- TIMTOWTDI.
> Win32::Job is part of libwin32-0.191 on CPAN.  There's some pretty cool
> stuff in it, but the docs are not great for a newb like me.  :)

If you have the source distro you could take a look at 'test.pl' in the
'Job' directory. There's a little bit of code that might help.

Looks to me that if this module is going to do what you want then something
like the following should do the trick:

use Win32::Job;
$timeout = # the current value you're using in sleep();
$job = Win32::Job->new;
$job->spawn("cmd", q{cmd /C "\\path_to\\parent_app.exe"});
$ok = $job->run($timeout);
if($ok) {print "All processes completed"}
else {print "Some processes still running"}
# code to process the logs

If I've got it right that would wait until both child apps have finished
running, or until the timeout is reached - whichever happens first.

Best to check if it does in fact wait for the child apps to finish - I could
be wrong about that.

This module works only on 2k or XP (according to the docs).


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