Title: Another Net::Telnet question while we are on the subject!

Hi all,

I was just wondering about this:
I use Net::Telnet to send a command that takes anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes to complete.

Is there some way to create some activity indication while the command is out doing its thing?  Maybe print dots, or print out what it's doing on the remote machine? would I need to multi-thread for this?

my $user = 'me';
my $pass = 'mepasswd';
my $dumplog = 'result.log';

$telnet = Net::Telnet->new($host) or
    die "FAILED could not establish Telnet to $host";



$telnet->login($user,$pass) or
    die "FAILED could not log into $host using $user and $pass";

$telnet->cmd(String => "SomeLengthyCmd",
                 Timeout => 600);


# here we do something
# with the $dumplog to see
# if command did everything
----End Example-----------------------

John D.

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