I was able to resolve my issues with Net::Telnet not working, thank you to
everyone who replied to my post.  Now I have something different.  Below is
a script that I wrote, it telnets to a Cisco router, goes into enable mode,
and is supposed to print the output of a "show ip route" command.  The issue
is that the script times out at line 13, which is where it is supposed to
send the command.  I know that the telnet is connecting, and the script is
authenticating, because if it wasn't it would time out way before line 13
(at least I hope that is correct).  Can anyone tell me why it is timing out?
I thought that maybe it was because there was no newline at the end of line
13, but supposedly when using cmd there is an automatic newline appended to
the string.  I would appreciate any help.

99% of time out issues occur with Net::Telnet because the prompt
was not matched correctly.

Do a search on AS mailing lists for Net::Telnet and you will see other
peoples woes with this.

What I suggest you do is turn the logging on, and see what the prompt
actually is. (Its also a good idea to turn strict and warnings on):-

use strict;
use warnings;

my $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 40, Dump_Log => "C:/Temp/Err.txt");

If you cant match the prompt that it requires, send us the output
and one of us will write a regexp for you.


Just in
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