Title: Message
I've been trying to use Win32::GUI:Bitmap() and to no success.
Here's the code sniplet:
...mainwindow built before this...
    my ($img, $btn, $bname);
    $bname = "listbox.bmp";
    print "bitmap is $bname\n";
    if( -e $bname ) {
        $img = new Win32::GUI::Bitmap( $bname )  || die "Error: $bname $!\n";
    else {
        warn "Bitmap file $bname does not exist, skipping it!\n";
        return 0;
    $btn = $winTool->AddButton(
            -text    => "BTN",
            -name    => "button",
            -bitmap   => $img,
            -top     => 25,
            -left    => 25,
            -width   => 25,
            -height  => 25,
   $btn->SetImage( $img );
It prints out that the $img and $bname are all ok,eg they exist and that $img has a value.
I'm using ActiveState PERL 560.
The window displays and shows a blank button. The bitmap is 20x20 and I've put the width/height to be 100,100 to see if thats the problem.
My opinions are my own and only stated at the top of large water towers...

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