On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, [iso-8859-1] Wermström Emma wrote:

> Hi again and thank you so much for helping me!
> My Cisco.pm is located in the following directories:
> c:\Perl\lib\Net\Telnet          *Default location after installation of 
> Net::Telnet::Cisco *
> c:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Telnet     *Default location after installation of 
> Net::Telnet::Cisco *
> c:\Inetpub\Modules\             *I placed Cisco.pm here manually ******
> c:\Inetpub\Modules\Net\Telnet   *I placed Cisco.pm here manually ******
> I have tried the following solutions:
> 1. use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
> 2. BEGIN {
>       push (@INC, "c:/Inetpub/Modules");
>    }
>    use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
> 3. use lib qw(c:/Inetpub/Modules)
>    use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
> All of the above solutions result in the same error message.
> "Can't locate Net/Telnet/Cisco.pm in @INC.....etc etc.
[ .. ]

Do you have similar problems with any other modules? For example,
if you do
   C:\> perl -MNet::Telnet -e "print 1"
is an error produced?

If you make up a file Silly.pm:
# file Silly.pm
package Net::Telnet::Silly;
and place it in the C:\Perl\site\lib\Net\Telnet\ directory,
   C:\> perl -MNet::Telnet::Silly -e "print 1"
produce any error?

best regards,
randy kobes
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