On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, George Gallen wrote:

> Possibly in some cases, yes. In my case no. While
> yes by creating a second working array which is
> chomped would be fine, except for the additional
> memory needed to hold the second array. That also
> assumes that the array contents won't change from
> when it was chomped to when I need to join it back,
> which in my case, will happen, so by not chomping
> in the first place (if you mean by keeping a working
> array and chomping that one). Otherwise it would take
> more coding (for my application) to constantly ignore
> the tailing \n on each element.

The terminal $ in a regex will match either the end of the string OR
the \n at the end of a string.

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

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