> Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:12:43 -0700
> From: viktoras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: testing e-mail validity without sending an e-mail
> Hi all,
> It may sound funny but this is how I wanted to protect my 
> mailbox from 
> spamming. We are going to have several forms on-line that 
> send messages 
> directly to our inboxes (user feedback, etc...). The thing I 
> wanted to 
> do with smtp is to avoid sending an odd message to my  inbox (I have 
> enough of spam in my own trash folders from "ordinary" spammers)  or 
> mailboxes of my coleagues untill the reply address of a sender is 
> completely verified.
> O.K., I will stick with ordinary syntax check and MX lookup. If this 
> fails, then probably sending a message and interpretting 
> bounces seems 
> to be the only possibility left. But it already looks like a 
> small-scale 
> spamming.
> Thanks.
> Viktoras

1) You expect to get all email addresses from a "POSTED" web page which then emails 
you mail box?
2) You want to filter those emails which were NOT "POSTED"?

If both of the above are true, what are you using to send the email?  Is there just a 
link to your mail box on the web page or do you have a true form with email on the 
server backend?

If the answer is that you have a form which sends the posted data via email from the 
server side, then the (possible, depending on what you are using to send the email ) 
is to add a custom header to the email sent via the server and write a wrapper script 
which connects every x minutes/hours/etc and checks for the custom header.  If it is 
not there, spike the email since it is spam...  Of course, this cannot validate that 
the user entered a valid email address on the form, but that is the best you can do.

Let us know if this is what you are looking for.

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