Hi all,

i got a CGI Error message
...  I think that you are mixing it up. Perl syntax allways ends commands with ';'.

I am also learning but haven't arrived yet to perl modules. I am only programing with plain perl. I need to learn the basics first!

print header ; ## NOT ',' but ';'
       start_html('mail') ; ## NOT ',' but ';'
       h1('Mail') ; ## NOT ',' but ';'
   ...# Do you see |___V___|  the starting of  the hash that allows separating with ',' ?
    $sender->MailFile({to => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
     subject => 'Here is the file',                             ## <----- here it is correct since it is part of a hash
     msg => "I'm sending you the list you wanted."});
Your doubts indicate that you should try to understant the following subjects using the command line and typing the following commands:
please, type...

perldoc -q hash     # to read about hashes
perldoc -m CGI    # to read of mod CGI

And I would first try to do the same thing , without using any module. Yes, you can do anything in Perl without using any module at all.
Of course, you write more, but when we are learning, we need to do that to learn all well.
For me, a module is like a concept that we know by experience: "freedom, compassion, etc." - once you have learned them, with only mentioning them you get the idea. You don't have to pass throught the same experience, again and again...
Modules are the same: Once you know what they do by having tryied each by yourself (without using them), you are able to use them correctly.

This is the way of learning Perl like I am doing it so!

Hope it helps.

  _) (_   

- :) Alberto Adrián Schiano :) -
-LINUX  Counter # 240133 #-


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