Chien-Lung Wu wrote:

> Hi, 
>       In the bash, I can test a file or a directory by following:
>       if [ ! (-f a_filename)]; then
>                do_something_for_this_file
>       fi
>       if [ ! (-d a_dirname)]; then
>                do_something_for_this_dir
>       fi
> How can I do the same functions in perl?

Actaully you have a negation operator in there that shouldn't be there
and Perl syntax is different:

        if (-d $path_to_file) {
                # dir logic goes here

> Another question:
>       In the unix/linux system, we have the path, for instance, 
>               /usr/local/bin/perl
>       However, in the Window/NT system, I have installed
>       perl in g:\perl\bin\perl.exe
>       How can I reference the path for perl.exe?
>       Is it "g:\perl\bin\perl.exe" or something else?

If you're speaking of the shebang line, I use

        #!perl -w --

If not, please explain further and remember to double your \s when
inside "s and `s.

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