I'm having some odd behaviour here with the latest perl 5.8 build trying to deal with 
extended character sets.

I'm pulling some data down from a LDAP Server and the data that comes down is encoded 
in such a fashion that I need to perform the following transformation on the data in 
order to be able to have the accented characters readable under windows.

sub tolatin1 {
        return encode("iso-8859-1", decode("utf8", @_[0]));

However, I'm using this routine in a generic fashion and it doesn't want to take a 
regular string containing accented characters properly.

print tolatin1("Bind à réussi");
results in:
Bind ? r?ussi

So basically my question is how do I identify whether the data is already UTF8 encoded 
or not?



and on a related topic - anyone know what encoding to use to properly display accented 
characters in the cmd window?

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