Here is the offending sub:

sub os_info {

    # From the WMI documentation. These are the possible values for
    #  OSProductSuite:
    my %os_product_suite = (
            1 => "Small Business",
            2 => "Enterprise",
            4 => "BackOffice",
            8 => "Communication Server",
            16 => "Terminal Server",
            32 => "Small Business (Restricted)",
            64 => "Embedded NT",
            128 => "Data Center"

    my %os_info;
    foreach my $os (in($WMI->InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem"))) {
        $os_info{'Caption'}                = $os->{'Caption'};
        $os_info{'FreePhysicalMemory'}     =
       # I'm not sure how/where this is calculated, but it doesn't
appear to jibe with
        #  the data in Win32_PageFileUsage.
        $os_info{'FreeSpaceInPagingFiles'} =

        $os_info{'InstallDate'} = substr($os->{'InstallDate'},4,2)."/".
        if ($os->{'NumberOfLicensedUsers'}) {
            $os_info{'NumberOfLicensedUsers'} =
        } else {
            $os_info{'NumberOfLicensedUsers'} = "unknown";
        $os_info{'NumberOfUsers'}          = $os->{'NumberOfUsers'};
        if ($os->{'Organization'}) {
            $os_info{'Organization'}       = $os->{'Organization'};
        } else {
            $os_info{'RegisteredUser'}     = "unknown";
        if ($os->{'RegisteredUser'}) {
            $os_info{'RegisteredUser'}     = $os->{'RegisteredUser'};
        } else {
            $os_info{'Organization'}       = "unknown";
        $os_info{'SerialNumber'}           = $os->{'SerialNumber'};

        # 'ServicePackMajorVersion' is a feature that was introduced
        #   with W2K.  Use it if applicable; for earler versions use
        if ($os->{'Version'} le "5.0") {
            $os_info{'ServicePack'} = $os->{'CSDVersion'};
        } else {
            $os_info{'ServicePack'} = "Service Pack ".

        $os_info{'Version'}                = $os->{'Version'};

        # Calculate system uptime
        my $byear    = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},0,4);
        my $bmonth   = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},4,2);
        my $bday     = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},6,2);
        my $bhour    = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},8,2);
        my $bmin     = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},10,2);
        my $bsec     = substr($os->{'LastBootUpTime'},12,2);
        my $cyear    = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},0,4);
        my $cmonth   = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},4,2);
        my $cday     = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},6,2);
        my $chour    = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},8,2);
        my $cmin     = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},10,2);
        my $csec     = substr($os->{'LocalDateTime'},12,2);
        my ($dday,$dhour,$dmin,$dsec) =
        $os_info{'SystemUptime'} = "$dday days, $dhour hrs, $dmin mins,
$dsec secs";

        # For testing purposes only.

    return (%os_info);


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Jolley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 4:15 PM
To: Jim Lancaster
Subject: Re: WMI wierdness.

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Jim Lancaster wrote:

> Background:
> I'm running perl v5.6.1 build 635 and Win32-OLE 0.1403 on a WinXP Pro 
> workstation. I've written a number of scripts to query WMI for 
> configuration (system, cpu, memory, disk, nic, etc.) information.  
> They
> *had* been working fine until I went through them and cleaned up my
> code. (I know, if it ain't broke...<g>).  All I did was replace the
> of Win32-PerfLib with a new sub to calculate system uptime using WMI,
> and replace my clunky html subs with CGI.  The bulk of the WMI code I
> left alone.
> Symptoms:
> I can run my script from a command prompt against a single server and 
> it works fine. If I queue up several servers in an external cfg file, 
> some of the servers generate error messages indicating my script is 
> trying to process an uninitialized hash value. The errors usually 
> refer to the same couple of lines of code where I'm concatenating 
> something, or dividing one number by another to get a percentage 
> value.
> Wierdness:
> If I change the order of servers in the cfg file, the errors happen on

> different servers.  It never happens on all of the servers.  The 
> position in the list doesn't appear to have any effect.  And if there 
> is only one server in the list, no matter which, one, I almost never 
> see the error.
> Even more wierdness:
> I inserted some debugging code in my script to print out the suspect 
> hash values to the screen and they are there, properly initialized, 
> but the very next line of code generates an error that it is not.  If 
> I "fix" it so that the line generating the error looks for the 
> existence of a value before processing, the error goes away, only to 
> reappear in some other section of code.
> What in the heck is going on?  Is WMI timing out on me?  Is there some

> kind of memory leak?

Have you ever heard of self-instianting hash values?, i.e. it pops into
existance the first time is is referenced. Including creatiun of
possible multiple levels of hash keys. Make sure your debugging codes
uses nested exists not defined, i.e. use exists on the first level of
hash key and if it does exist then you can use exists on the next level
of hash keys. A little code example would allow me to curb my

**** [EMAIL PROTECTED] <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer

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