To download/install PPM's with Floppy or other media:

Assumption: "a:\" is your local directory with the modules.  This can be any
directory you'd like.

1. Download .ppd file and .tgz file for modules (from ActiveState and other
repositories).  Save to a:\.
2. Modify the CODEBASE tag in the .ppd file to point to the correct location
of the .tgz file.
3. Type "ppm rep add a:\".  This creates a "local" repository pointing to
the a:\ directory.
4. Type "ppm install MODULE-NAME".  This installs the module. is a good
link for PPM Zip Archives. 

Scott Campbell
Senior Software Developer
Somix Technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: Ecker Sandor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 4:23 PM
To: Scott Campbell; perlwin32list
Subject: Re: win32::SerialPort problems


Thenks for everybody who helped me! It works! :) One question more: How can
I download a perl module (whit ppm) to save it to a floppy, and install it
on a machine, where isn't internet connection?

(I don't understand why isn't it installed when win32::SerialPort is in the
base, and it uses the win32::Api "perl moulde", and so SerialPort can't
work... I think win32::API should be installed per default...)


Scott Campbell wrote:
> Win32::API is a "perl module".  To install perl modules, you use the 
> "ppm" program, which comes installed with ActivePerl. To install this 
> module, type "ppm install Win32-API".  You can type "ppm -?" for more 
> ppm examples.
> Scott Campbell
> Senior Software Developer
> Somix Technologies

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