Is there any way to use the Windows signals in PERL? As I understand it, in a Window's program, there is a subroutine that's called when there is a signal. But I don't see how that could be worked into a PERL program -- that executes linearly.

More basically, I want to send a kill command from one PERL script to another. If script B executes, it always follows A. If A is still executing when B starts, I want to send a kill command to A. Otherwise A finishes normally, and then B starts. I know how to use a pipe to SendMail on a UNIX server, but I don't know what that pipe looks like on the sendmail side ( I know sendmail is in C or C++ but you know what I mean -- if it were in PERL:)

More basically than that, they both "use Win32::Sound" and they step on each other. It's very annoying. I've checked the documentation on the Sound module and there seems to be no way for it to check if the speakers are already in use before executing. But, wouldn't be the first time I've overlooked something.

Any thoughts on a solution from any angle appreciated.


Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

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