At 22:41 19/09/2003, $Bill Luebkert wrote:
Lee Goddard wrote:
> At 18:15 18/09/2003, $Bill Luebkert wrote:
>>Dictionary definitions are indented after each symbol pair:
> Which one?  An...American dictionary?
> Schock horror: they were only invented to
> be different, annoy the Brits and invent a
> US identity! (A bit off-topic there, though I
> could go on, it'd have to be somewhere dubious
> like alt.postmodern and I swore never to return.)
> FWIW, from a real dictionary of the English language:

This is exactly why we should all use the American definitions.  We have
individual names that apply to each symbol so you can't muck up and get
the wrong one.

Now who's trolling?!

To coin a phrase, there's more than one way to name it.
I haven't seen a poster being unclear on this, so we'll
survive, I guess, and when in doubt, adding a description
of the shape helps; kind of child-like, but so was
Paul Klée.


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