The system I am working on is using an older version of Perl, v 5.001, as shown by:
C:\>perl -v
This is perl, version 5.001
       Unofficial patchlevel 1m.
Copyright 1987-1994, Larry Wall
Win32 port Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
       Developed by hip communications inc., http://info.hip.com/info/
       Perl for Win32 Build 107
       Built Apr 29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:56:57
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.
Worse yet, I suspect that the Perl installation was less than "standard".
While my perl.exe is v. 5.001, some of the modules such as vars.pm
include the statement:  "require 5.002;"
Does that already indicate that the system has a botched, mismatched
What I am trying to do is to use some of the ReadKey features, most notably
the 'noecho' option so that certain text input is not echoed on the screen.
Is it possible to get this feature to work with minimal system upgrade,
i.e. without having to install a whole new Perl or many dependent modules?
I'm interested in getting just ReadKey to work with as little other change as possible.
I tried to "drop in" the ReadKey.pm, but get a variety of errors:
If my script (test2.pl) has "require Term::ReadKey", I get ...:
C:\>perl test2.pl
Perl 5.002 required--this is only version 5.001, stopped at C:\WINNT\system32\et
c\perl\lib/vars.pm line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\WINNT\system32\etc\perl\lib/AutoLoader.p
m line 3.
If my script (test1.pl) has "use Term::Readkey", I get ...:
C:\>perl test1.pl
Can't locate AutoLoader.pm in @INC at Term/ReadKey.pm line 210.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at xfer1.pl line 62.
(Not sure why it can't locate it - the module is tin the same location as vars.pm)

Is this a doomed venture?  Is my only recourse to upgrade the system to a newer Perl?
Bela C.

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