Got it (I think).

Just add this after you open the file and before the read.

  binmode( FILE );

My tests on my machine agreed with you.

Mike Arms

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bullock, Howard A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 12:17 PM
> To: 'Arms, Mike'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: RE: RegEx to remove \x0D\x0A
> More testing shows that...
> These two statements fail:
> print "\nYES\n" if $data =~ /\x0D/s;
> print "\nYES\n" if $data =~ /\x0d/s;
> These two statements succeed:
> print "\nYES\n" if $data =~ /\x0A/s;
> print "\nYES\n" if $data =~ /\x0a/s;
> As I stated before two different HEX editors show od oa 
> sequences in my file
> and I can print the $data variable to STDOUT successfully.
> This is running ActiveState's build 633.

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