I have the following code:

sub uniTEST {
        my($value,$iter) = @_;
        ResW("+before $value <BR><BR>");
        return $value;

$testval = UniTEST($value,$iter);
ResW("+after $testval<BR><BR>");

Note that the subroutine is called uniTEST, but I made the call using 
UniTEST.  $value is some unicode string.  I'm not sure if it will work if 
I include it in this email but here it is :


What happens is, the 2nd print statement has converted some of the string 
values to what looks like UTF8 :

+before éðZŒO????
+after éðZŒO????

Only some of the characters have been converted - the last 5 are 
untouched, but I think that may be because they have been converted to 
HTML codes.  When I call the function using the right case - uniTEST, 
this does not happen.

Note : I'm using PerlScript under IIS - the ResW function is a wrapper 
for $Resource->Write.  Regular perl won't let this happen because it's 
case sensitive.  Something about using PerlScript and IIS screws that up.

It seems like high range characters that are not high enough to be 
converted to HTML by IIS get converted to UTF8 when passed through a 
function that has been called with the wrong case for it's name.


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